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Content Optimization Process

Tools used for analytics audit – Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console
Tools used for performance audit – Page Speed Insights, Google Mobile Friendly Test, Google Search Console
Tools used for information architecture audit – Screaming Frog, Google Analytics 4, HotJar
Tools used for search audit – SEMrush, or another SEO tool like MOZ, aHrefs
Epic Content Marketing for Higher Education: How to Connect with Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, and Others to Build Trust and Reach Your Institutional Goals by Brian Piper.
Learn how to apply content marketing strategies to higher education to connect with your target audiences to get them to know, like, and trust you.
Featuring insights and interviews with more than 50 higher-education marketing experts and content marketers.

The Content Entrepreneur: Critical Strategies to Accelerate Your Success As a Content Creator by Joe Pulizzi and Friends.
Joe brought 32 other content entrepreneurs together to outline everything you need to build, grow, and run a content business.
Chapters cover everything you need to know including legally setting up your business, finding your niche, picking the right platform, and optimizing your content for long-term performance (my chapter).

Epic Content Marketing, 2nd Edition: Break through the Clutter with a Different Story, Get the Most Out of Your Content, and Build a Community in Web3 by Joe Pulizzi and Brian Piper.
All the incredible content from the first edition has been updated with new statistics, case studies, and technology improvements. Joe and I also added sections on community, superfans, AI/ML, and Web3 technologies, including creator coins, NFTs, and the Metaverse.
Featuring insights and interviews with epic content marketers like Pat Flynn, David Siegel, Jay Baer, Ann Handley, Robert Rose, and SO many more!
The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever by Mark Schaefer and friends.
(that includes me)
Mark brought 35 creators together to come up with 10 inspiring marketing ideas for different channels, strategies, and skills.
Featuring topics like digital marketing, leveraging social media, SEO, metaverse (my chapter), and livestreaming!